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Sports First Aid

Training Courses

Sports First Aid

This course is important for anyone participating in sports. It gives the knowledge and skills needed to respond to emergencies and keep a casualty safe until medical help arrives.

Sports first aid training is vital for coaches, athletes, and fans. The all-inclusive course covers all first aid essentials in sports scenes making participants ready for any possible emergencies. This training was specifically designed to give useful skills immediately applicable in sports.

Main Course Units:

  • Consideration of Sick Patients
  • Control of blood loss
  • Damage of bones and soft body parts
  • CPR
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • Choking
  • Head Injury
  • Concussion and returning back to play
  • Loss of consciousness

Other medical conditions that are necessary during emergency situations while playing games like asthma attack or heart failure can also be learnt from this. It includes teaching concussion management plans so as to make sure that athletes can safely return to the game. Additionally, it covers fainting as well as diverse medical crises thus presenting a well-rounded approach towards the provision of sports first aid.

The trainers we have are experienced professionals who specialise in sports medicine besides knowing about first aiding techniques. They teach practically ensuring that trainees are fully conversant with how they should treat emergency cases when they happen within sporting environments. Such instructions cannot be ignored by anyone who is related with any kind sport field such as; coaches, trainers, players or even fans.

Training - Sports First Aid
Things to know about this course

Course Type: First Aid

Duration: 1 Day

Certification: Heartsafety Solutions 'Sports First Aid' certificate

Number of Students: 12 Max per 1 Instructor

Recertification: Course must be repeated every 2 years